Sunday, October 10, 2010


Yesterday, I spent my first hour as a mentor with a very sweet 6 year old girl. She was such a delightful little girl! Before I got to the school, I wondered what we would do with an hour. How would we pass the time? Sometimes it's difficult to get children to talk with you when they don't know you and aren't comfortable with you. The hour went by in a snap and I think we could have spent the whole day together reading, coloring and playing games!

Children never cease to amaze me! They still have their innocence despite terrible things that happen in their lives. They continue to have hope and the littlest things make them smile. It's too bad that most adults can't remember what it's like to be a child. The world would be a happier place!

Take some time out of your busy schedule to mentor a child! It will change your life!

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